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Common Questions:

What is the content pre-production process? - With every project it'll first start with a consultation, whether it's a call or a meeting we'll discuss what your wishes are for the video/videos and your reasons behind wanting them done. "What sort of tone do you want?" "What is your message?" "Who is the audience?" "How much content do you want shot, a day shoot or half day?"
From here we'll prepare a quote or a detailed proposal that works within your budget, or if you have just a vague idea at this stage we can work together creatively until we reach an idea that suits you.

What is the content production process? - As decided beforehand, we'll organise a date that suits you to film on, be it a full day of filming, a half, or even just a run and gun hour of filming. We'll turn up before (if able) to set up so we're ready to shoot whenever you are ready. They'll also be a few discussions right at the start about any minor creative decisions and if the current setup suits you before we start filming anything.

What is the content post-production process? - We'll take the footage from the shoot and then cut and edit it to the brief we set out during the consultation. Of course there might be a few changes as the creative vision is realised and we'll happily make amendments until it suits the vision you have.

Where are you based? - We're based in Peterborough but can travel up and down the country to suit your video needs.

When does day filming begin & end? - The shoots generally run from 9AM to 5PM, we'll turn up an hour before to set up and setup time won't be billed for you - though the we do need time to set up before we start filming.

How much notice do you need? - If really important we can be ready to film your project within a week subject to our own availability.

How involved can I get? - To us you're one of (if not THE) the driving forces of the project, we want you to be completely satisfied with your video so we'll involve you in every step from the shot planning to the colour grading. We're also completely open to collaborating if you need a little bit of creative and theoretical help.

Why should I make the investment into Video? - To save you from a plethora of video advertising jargon, simply, it just works really well as a medium of content for your potential and current clients. Video as a content is consumed at a far greater amount than images or text, it also retains audience attention a lot more.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to drop me a query through one of my contacts: Email: \ Phone: 07429 379259

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